What is the Amazing 12?

The Amazing 12 is an intense and comprehensive strength program developed by Paul McIlory of Belfast, Ireland. 


Important facts about the Amazing 12:

- It's creator is programming genius Paul McIlory.

- I am fortunate to have been in Paul's 1st graduating class of A12 coaches!

- It is a 12 week program.

- We meet 5 days a week (mon-fri).

- It is 1 hour per session.

- The A12 program is specifically programmed for YOU.

- You will learn to lift weights properly for optimal results.

- You will learn safety in a weight lifting environment to protect yourself and others.

- You will learn and apply awesome nutrition habits and learn how to maintain them your whole life.

- It is important to be there everyday.

- You're going to gain massive strength.

- You're going to lose fat and transform your body composition.  

- You're going to feel and look great!

- You can do ANYTHING for 12 weeks!

- It's fun!

- I am here every step of the way for the betterment of YOU!

- This program is for everyone.

-You'll walk away at the end of the 12 weeks not only physically and mentally transformed but you'll be equipped with the knowledge you need to maintain your transformation for the rest of your life.